Sunday, March 23, 2008

This Little Light Of Mine...

This weekend at GCC (Granger Community Church) was amazing.  Our new series is called, "Viral Effect."  This weekend's theme was about spreading the Light of the gospel.  The message impacted me so greatly that I actually wept on the ride home last night just thinking about one line spoken by my pastor, Mark Beeson.  He said, "we are so (snap) that close to the point of having the gospel reaching everyone....& it can be done by each one telling everyone.  For a few recent decades now we, The Church, have found pride in the phrase 'each one reach one', but what if we would do as the first church did and tell everyone about the gospel?"  (Not a direct quote, but a general recollection of what was said)

  The whole visual impact of the message this weekend was accomplished with glow sticks!  Everyone had a glow stick in their chair when they arrived and during the message we all participated in a visual presentation....we played the game Simon.  Remember the game where you had a circle with four colors on it and it would light each color in a random sequence and then you had to echo the pattern?

The way it came off in the media was impactful to me.  The sequence pattern was revealed at the top of the screen, then we echoed the pattern by following the exact same sequence beneath it.  So when it came time to participate, Pastor Mark said, "watch the pattern up there and then echo it down here."  He was pointing to the top then the bottom of the screen, but what he said made sense in the spirit.  If we could only catch the pattern - the way things are done "up there" - we could then echo it down here.  So the goal is to get so in tune with what's going on in the heavenlies (up there) that we will echo what is being sequentially revealed to us.

The things I fear could be so easily dissipated if I would spend the time I need in the presence of The Life-Changer/Light-Giver.  All I need to do is echo what's being sequentially revealed to me about His nature and character, then the light that shines in me would create a fallout that would be instantaneous everywhere I go.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

I have a wonderful praise!!  My niece, Kayla Briann Snyder, is RELEASED from an old tie (which was around her throat by the way)!!!  She has finally bid good riddance to someone that NO ONE in her circle liked with her.  This is not to say that he is beyond God's grasp.  But he was so wrong for her.  She is such a special person and lovely young lady and I want everything that God has for her.  Now it's time to move on to much better things.  Thank you God for loving her this way! opening up her eyes to the Truth and helping her make the right decision.  I'm so thankful!